Powered Ascenders
Atlas Powered Ascenders weigh the least, lift the most, and handle the entire range of climbing rope diameters without having to change parts. Their compact size enable easy operation in confined spaces and challenging maneuvers.

Atlas Powered Ascender APA-5
Lightweight and powerful, the Atlas Devices APA-5 is a multi-mission device that hauls combat rescue loads, extends warfighter stamina, and reduces mission exposure.
To achieve a tactical advantage, perform material haul, or rescue casualties, military doctrine often requires the ascent of men and materiel over steep obstacles in mountainous, urban, and maritime environments. This is a highly technical and physically exhausting task that consumes the warfighter and impacts mission planning. To eliminate the burden of vertical obstacles, Atlas Devices developed the APA-5.
Building upon its theater-proven predecessor, the Atlas Powered Ascender is a rugged, battery operated ascender that easily integrates into current SOPs and COTS climbing equipment. Whether operating at maritime depth, in a desert dust storm, or 100’ AGL in a helicopter, the Atlas Powered Ascender is a force multiplier that effortlessly reduces time and exposure during vertical operations.
Designed for the dismounted warfighter, the ascender only weighs about the same as two 150’ lengths of 7/16” static rope.
A quick connect, powertool-like battery allows for on-the-fly swapping of batteries for extended operation, packload distribution, and improved mission planning.
Able to lift over 600 lbs directly, the lightweight system improves force protection and reduces the operational footprint by replacing a 6-9 man haul team and complicated haul systems for CASEVAC missions.

Atlas Powered Ascender APA-4
Fast and versatile, the Atlas Devices APA-4 system is the speed model rope ascender from Atlas Devices. Optimized around single person capacity.
The APA-4 lifts up to 160kg / 350lbs directly, and an integrated 2:1 attachment allows the operator to quickly and easily build mechanical advantage systems to lift loads up to 700 lbs. There is also a heavy duty version of the APA-4 available, that will haul 250kg / 550lbs directly. Both including safety systems for manual decent in emergency situations. The manual brake release allows for controlled descent even with no battery.
Variable ascend and descend speeds up to 66m per minute.
A quick connect, powertool-like battery allows for on-the-fly swapping of batteries for extended operation, packload distribution, and improved mission planning.
Can handle a wide variety of ropes, ranging from 6.5mm to 11mm in diameter without changing drive system. Optional 9-13mm drive system avaliable.