Safe lifting
The launch and recovery phase with a rescue boat is probably one of the most dangerous operations that are done with lifting people at sea. That is why Henriksen has developed a complete range of lifting hooks and related products. All products are certified according to international regulations to ensure a safe lifting operation.
Henriksen Hooks - Offload

Hook Closed
When the hook is in the closed state, a manual latch prevents the hook element from rotating, while a spring loaded pawl keeps the lifting ring securely fastened inside the hook.

Hook Activated
When the hook is activated, the locking latch is removed and the hook is in the off-load state. When an off-load hook is subject to a load as shown, the hook is unable to rotate and release the lifting ring. This is due to its inherently stable geometry and we therefore say that is locked by its load. This is what makes our off-load hooks so safe.

Opens Automatically
When the the internal release mechanism has been activated and the load applied through the lifting ring to the hook approaches zero, the hook element is able to rotate and release the lifting ring. This means that the hook opens automatically when the boat hits the water. But only if the hook has been activated.
Henriksen Hooks - Safe Lifting
Placed in boat
The Henriksen Hook is placed in the boat to ensure that you only need a light weight lifting ring from the davit wire to connect to the mother vessel. This does the operation much safer than connecting the boat to a heavy crane hook.
Light weight ring
The Henriksen Lifting Rings are made with safety in mind. The dimensions are designed to geometrically fit together with the Henriksen Hook. The gap on the handle ensure a safer lifting operation. The lightweight ensure that the crewmembers do not have to operate any heavy equipment.
Painter hook
The Henriksen Painter Hook is placed in the bow of the boat and connected to a painter line to ensure that the MOB boat is kept in the correct direction and position during both launch and recovery.
Painter ring
The Henriksen Painter Rings are made with safety in mind. The dimensions are designed to geometrically fit together with the Henriksen Hooks.
The gaps on the handles of the ring ensure a safer operation. These gaps are designed to open in case of obstacles getting attached to the handle unintentionally. The gaps shall point towards the hook.
IHS – Integrated Henriksen System
The IHS system ensures that the painter hook cannot be released too early. Thus reducing the possibility of a human error during the launch. All Henriksen hooks can be used in combination with an Integrated Henriksen System (IHS) and a painter hook.
Swivel joint
The swivel joint is mounted between the hook and the lifting frame in order to reduce sideway forces. We recommend installing swivel joints on boats which are frequently used and/or boats that will be launched and recovered in rough sea.
The Awarelight has a narrow field of view which gives good feedback to the crane operator, while not disturbing the boat crew. The Awarelight is useful in both the launch and recovery phase.
The Henriksen Liftview system enables the user to view real time information about a lift, including load, pitch/roll. The user output is viewed on a screen that also logs every lift. This system will give the user some unique possibilities that will increase operational awareness, and thereby a safer lifting operation.